Schools post COVID-19: Transforming teaching culture to a learning culture

Schools post COVID-19: Transforming teaching culture to a learning culture

Education sector has had the hardest time coming to terms with the new normal during pandemic. This sector made the biggest jump, going from its traditional chalk-and-blackboard teaching method to a new normal of a fully digitized virtual classroom experience.

Parents have also welcomed & accepted this new shift to a virtual classroom. They can now be part of their child’s learning process even if they may not directly involve themselves in the class. They can now monitor how their child is being taught; they can observe when their child is paying attention, whether she or he has understood the concept that is being taught and so on.

Before COVID-19 disturbed our lives and forced kids to open their computers and learn from home, the first day of school was a rite of passage — the start a journey which has one-size-fits-all approach.

As lockdowns ease and schools start to reopen in some places across the country, it’s as good a time as any to take stock and look at the likely future of education. Now we can combine technology, ergonomics and space management to strike an ideal balance between the virtual and real world

Rethinking learning

The three Rs of education – Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic – are being joined by a new fourth: Rethink. New technologies are providing ways to transform practices, structures, and even cultures in schools. Students will now be empowered to learn in flexible & collaborative ways, both inside and outside classrooms, that too at their own pace. Our teachers will have access to individual real-time data on how well each of their students is advancing, both – scholastically and emotionally. They can also create new challenges and offer appropriate support for each child to move ahead. This way the classroom, as we have known for centuries, will also be re-imagined. 

Beyond classroom walls

With such great technologies, educators will now be able to create flexible learning spaces and continuous online-learning classrooms, which will be spread across boundaries. Schools are now reassessing about the model where multiple teachers can collaborate with multiple kids, & where kids can have more flexibly of moving around. They don’t have to do the same thing at the same time in the same way.

People-driven learning

The impact of technology has led to the emergence of “personalized learning”, where each student will get focused individual attention from teachers, who in turn will access to real-time data of their progress and problems. Technology will help them in recognizing various patterns and conditions that might need intervention. Teachers will also be able to ensure students feel inspired, valued, and able to learn in ways thaty were not possible earlier. New generation learning tools will be able to adjust to the needs of students – without instructions or intervention from their teachers.

Teachers learning alongside students

The new age education system allows teachers to spend less time in designing the content component and more time around the learning experience for kids to find and create their own meaning around that content. Educators are not bound by the primitive structure of time bound lecture, classroom dynamics, or assessment that’s connected to a particular curriculum. It recognizes the goal and mission to expand upon every student’s potential.

Thus, these solutions have the potential to transform and improve the education system so that students can achieve more and develop valuable skills with better outcomes. Real-time data & innovations like range of new devices and tools, are playing a great role in transforming the roles of students, teachers, and parents.