Building Psychological Safety in Classrooms

Building Psychological Safety in Classrooms

If we want our students to thrive, we must always keep in mind that students must Maslow before they can Bloom,” say Greta Sandler (Belgrano Day School, Argentina) and Stephanie Howell (Gold EDU and Pickerington Schools, Ohio) in this ISTE article.

The authors describe how teachers can foster psychological safety:

• Provide clarity

It’s helpful for students have a clear idea of what they are learning, why they are learning it, and how they will learn.

• Build self-awareness

 Students are encouraged to be reflective about how they learn, identify productive and unproductive habits, make adjustments to their work, and take ownership for their learning.

• Encourage students to express their emotions

The concept of psychological safety is essential for building a healthy and nurturing learning environment in classrooms. It refers to the belief that people can express themselves freely without fear of judgment or reprisal. Building psychological safety in classrooms is crucial because it fosters a sense of trust and openness between teachers and students, creating an environment that is conducive to effective learning and growth.

One of the ways to build psychological safety in classrooms is by setting clear expectations for behavior. Another important approach is creating a safe space where students can feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings. This may involve rearranging the physical layout of the classroom to promote open communication, such as using circle seating or setting up a discussion area.

Teachers should also model the behavior they expect from their students. A teacher who openly admits their mistakes and encourages students to do the same sends a message that mistakes are an opportunity to learn. Such openness will help students feel safe and comfortable to share their thoughts and opinions without fear of ridicule.

In conclusion, building psychological safety in classrooms is critical in fostering a supportive and healthy learning environment. Teachers can create an atmosphere of safety and trust by being transparent, modeling positive behavior, setting clear expectations, and promoting collaboration and inclusivity. Such an environment allows students to express their ideas freely, develop critical thinking skills, and hone their social-emotional learning, leading to greater academic success and personal growth.